Lawn Fertilization
Today we are going to give a little info about fertilizer. This may not sound very sexy but it is necessary knowledge if you want a beautiful lawn. 16 essential nutrients are required for proper growth of plants and all of them are on the periodic table. It makes me wish I had not skipped out on science class so often.. Haha. All of these elements, except carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are obtained from the soil. A soil test can be done to see which elements your lawn may need for proper nutrition. Fertilizers all come with a number like 10-4-8, or 16-4-8. Have you ever wondered what this meant? It simply refers to the amount of different elements in the fertilizer. A more detailed explanation can be obtained from The University of Florida IFAS Extension. It is important to understand this process to some degree because if you use too much Nitrogen it can burn your lawn. Nitrogen is the most used element in the soil and so is included in fertilizer. What type of fertilizer and when to apply it must be determined in order to properly nourish your lawn. The link above will give all of the current Florida guidelines. If that is a little more information than you would like, just leave it to the pros. I hope this article was helpful. Thank, Lawn Pro
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